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Case Results

The Cortinez Law Firm has recovered millions and millions of dollars for our clients in motor vehicle accidents, slip & falls, workers’ compensation, products liability, construction liability and medical malpractice.

We have also been successful in appealing our client’s cases in order to change existing law or be certain that our client’s rights have been protected. Some of the appeals cases are listed below.

8th Circuit Court Of Appeals

Bass vs. Flying J, Inc., 500 F 2nd 736 2007

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld largest slip and fall federal verdict – $437,000.00 for our injured client David Bass.

Perry vs. Woodruff County Sheriffs Department and City of McCory et al 858 F3d. 1141 (2017)

The 8th Circuit upheld denial of qualified immunity on a Civil Rights excessive force claim that was resolved in a confidential settlement for client.

Supreme Court Of Arkansas

Barnett vs. Cleghorn 536 S.W. 3d 147 (2017)

Supreme Court overruled granting of Summary Judgment on joint liability issues resulting in a confidential settlement for our client.

Arkansas Court of Appeals

Tucker vs. Roberts McNutt 12 S.W. 3d 640

Arkansas Court of Appeals reversed denial of workers’ compensation benefits and awarded Cortinez Law Firm client his justly due workers’ compensation benefits

Hatten vs. Little Rock Dodge 866 S.W. 2nd 891 (1999)

Court of Appeals case creating case law that allowed injured victims an absolute right to require workers’ compensation insurance carriers to share in the costs of collecting on an injured party’s claim.

Fox v. Nagle 381 S.W 3d 900 2011

Court of Appeals reversed the trial court’s ruling that allowed an adoption over a natural father’s objection, resulting in our client/father keeping his son.